OTA FareUpThere Integrates inDest Into Booking Flow

This is a great example of just how easy it is to use inDest to add revenue with bookable travel experiences.
The U.S. based OTA FareUpThere has implemented inDest as an opt-in check box in their booking environment, right next to the payment details at their checkout. A clear message about the added value for the traveler is stated, in this case: “Send me a text with top activities, tours & restaurants when I land.”
Once the traveler opts in they will receive an SMS on arrival with tailor-made recommendations on things to do with the possibility to book directly. This includes activities such as restaurants, transfers, attractions, adventures and events, e.g., concerts and sports. FareUpThere will get a revenue share on each booking made by their customers.
Integrating inDest is as easy as it is important, as conversion rate has a strong correlation with the recognition travelers will have when they get SMS messages from their travel supplier on their trip.
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eleifend a felis quis dignissim. Nullam placerat id ligula id rutrum. Vivamus varius suscipit risus ornare aliquam.”
Malcolm Woods
Co-Founder & CEO, FareUpThere